A few weeks ago, the company announced that it was launching the vivo X80 and X80 Pro in India (the Pro also launched in Malaysia). A “warm-up” page has already appeared for Europe, but pricing information has not yet been included.
According to SnoopyTech, the vivo X80 Pro is expected to sell for €1,100. The X70 Pro was never released in Europe, so a direct comparison with the previous model is impossible.. However, the X60 Pro was launched in the Old Continent for €800.
If the leaked price is incorrect or if we’re in for a price increase, this means we’ll have to wait and see. In December 2020, the vivo X60 Pro cost CNY 4,500, while the vivo X80 Pro cost CNY 5,500, which is a 20% increase. A price leak like this doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. Do keep in mind that the X60 Pro released outside of China has a different chipset (Snapdragon 870 instead of Exynos 1080) and no periscope.
The warm-up page for the vivo X80 Pro indicates that no such changes are to be expected. ‘ Because it doesn’t appear that the Dimensity 9000 variant of the phone will be released, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 will take the wheel and be joined by the vivo V1+ enhancement chip. See our vivo X80 Pro review for more information on this device (we reviewed the Snapdragon version).
Tomorrow we’ll learn more about the X80 Pro’s arrival in Europe. Is the X80 Pro+ and the X80 Pro on their way as well? We don’t know who they are because they aren’t mentioned by name, but we’ll find out tomorrow.