“Texts Go Green” is one of Drake’s most popular songs, and Google has tweeted a “unofficial lyric explication” about the song’s lyrics.
It has taken a long time for all Android users to have access to the Rich Communications Service (RCS). RCS has been a failure for Google’s rivals, yet the company continues to promote it and slam Apple for not doing so.
Drake’s song is featured in a short film Apple posted on Twitter to promote its RCS implementation.
Production values aren’t exactly fantastic. It appears as if the beginning of Drake’s song is looped, with captions explaining what it means when “Texts Go Green.”
If a text message is a real text message, such as an SMS or MMS, it will appear in green on an iPhone. A phone’s number is prohibited on an iPhone, therefore it will show up green on an iPhone.
The video caption reads, “If only some super-talented Apple technical team would repair this..”.
Android Police was the first to notice the tweet. According to the site, the tune from Drake’s album set a record for the most first-day streams on Apple Music for a dance album.