Hello, Guys welcome back with the Latest Oukitel P2001 portable power station is the solution for power outages review A simple yet effective portable solution for power outages. The Oukitel P2001 utilises the most advanced battery technology available. However, it is its adaptability, with features such as UPS and quick charging, that distinguishes it from the competitors.

Our Review – Oukitel established a name for itself last year with a gigantic smartphone with a 15Ah battery. Following this triumph, it is venturing into the field of high-capacity power plants with the P2001. Bluetti and Ecoflow are already present in this market. Oukitel’s offering is distinct, with a back-to-basics approach that prioritises simplicity above flashy features. This will undoubtedly gratify many clients searching for simple-to-use equipment with a large capacity for both the battery and the AC inverter.
Oukitel has a Kickstarter crusade for the P2001 where it very well may be yours for a vow of $1000, which is half of its $2000 MSRP. The convenient power station has a 2000W AC inverter and a 2000W/hr battery which is all that could possibly be needed to drive little apparatuses for two or three hours. Also, the included LiFePo4 battery can give somewhere around 2000 charge cycles before the limit drops to 80%.
Other key highlights are the rough case, exceptionally quick charge time, a straightforward LCD, 2W LED light and charging from a sunlight powered charger. Turning on an AC attachment should be possible in just two stages making the P2001 ideal in a crisis. Oukitel is wagering that having an item with a straightforward UI and incredible power execution will hit a harmony with happy clients. There is no doubt that it can arrive at that objective with a decent item and the legitimate client care.

Similarly as with numerous weighty items, the P2001 ships in a strong container box that will ensure its conveyance in an incredible state. There isn’t much inside the case separated from the power station. The main provided frill is an AC link which is put away in a helpful compartment on top of the case. There is likewise the standard client manual that discloses plainly how to utilize elements of the P2001. The dark and dim case feels strong and has vents situated on each side giving wind stream to four huge fans. Four elastic cushions keep the case from sliding while two aluminum compound bars on the top fill in as handles. The unit measures 39cm x 28cm x 33cm and weighs 22kg.
The unadulterated sine AC inverter is evaluated at 2000W and can surpass double this worth in brief terms. With a battery limit of 2000W/hr, the P2001 will give capacity to many home apparatuses throughout a somewhat prolonged stretch of time period. The LiFePo4 science utilized is truly outstanding as far as perseverance yet accompanies issues like a lower energy thickness, converting into a heavier item when contrasted with Lithium Polymers. The unit is turned on by squeezing an enormous power button situated close to the presentation. The station has a 1100W AC charger worked in that adds to the weight yet permits quicker charging contrasted with an outer charger.

A high-contrast portioned LCD lives on the front board and gives fundamental data about the station’s present status, for example, the charge and release time just as continuous result power. Symbols for information and result attachments show assuming the framework is working ordinarily and will squint on any issue. For example, the AC rope symbol will squint on a power network issue while the temperature symbol will show assuming the inward temperature is out-of-range. Press buttons appointed to each result segment can be squeezed to empower them while squeezing again switches them off.
The AC area comprises of six attachments generally situated on the right half of the case while the low voltage DC attachments are situated on the front. Oukitel is liberal with the DC attachments and incorporates ten organized in two gatherings. Attachments for open air designs are situated on the left of the showcase. This gathering incorporates a stogie lighter and a XT60 attachment, both disguised under a defensive plastic cover, and two barrel-type DC5521 attachments. They all supply a proper 12V yet at various flows.

The second area which comprises of just USB ports contains two 10W Type-A, two Type-A QC3.0 and a couple of 100W Type-C giving an aggregate of 260W.
In use
Utilizing the Oukitel P2001 is exceptionally basic on account of a presentation that isn’t packed. The battery level is displayed in large at the focal point of the screen. Other significant data showed are the info and result power which give a thought on the off chance that yield gadgets are working appropriately and not surpassing as far as possible. The LCD has a blue color and updates consistently while the consistently on backdrop illumination will put an extra burden on the battery but a little one. Yield segments naturally switch off assuming nothing is associated following five minutes.
An element that is seldom seen in different stations is the UPS mode. Gadgets associated with the P2001 don’t lose power when the AC supply is upset. The switch-over from the AC line to battery is done inside milliseconds which is adequate to keep PCs and other office gadgets controlled without losing any information. The UPS framework is planned to such an extent that when there is AC power, associated loads are fueled straightforwardly from the AC bypassing the battery. That way, there is no weight on the batteries which at last reductions wear and builds their lifetime.

The Oukitel power station upholds charging from AC and sun powered chargers. Associating both simultaneously will diminish an opportunity to fill the batteries. The MTTP viable sunlight based contribution to the type of an Anderson connector is situated on the left and can acknowledge up to 48V at 500W. This implies having a limit of four 100W boards in series giving a charging season of five hours. Oukitel offers a 200W board, the PV200, for $499 during their Kickstarter crusade.
The inverter has been intended to help two sorts of result voltages specifically the US (120V) and Japan (100V). The result recurrence is likewise switchable somewhere in the range of 50Hz and 60Hz permitting powerful Japanese gadgets to run in North America without a transformer-based AC converter. Since the proficiency of the P2001 inverter is extremely high at 90%, there is little hotness and fan commotion created when being used. At last, the station upholds an over-voltage assurance on the information AC attachment which does a closure if there should arise an occurrence of force variances. This insurance can be cleared by squeezing the over-burden button found simply over the AC input.
The opposition
The Oukitel P2001 goes straightforwardly against any semblance of Jackery Explorer 2000 and Bluetti AC200P. Other lesser referred to contenders, for example, Zendure have comparable items that were sent off as of late.
The Jackery Explorer 2000 is presumably the reference for this kind of force station. The battery science makes it less reasonable as a speculation since it offers just 500 charge cycles before the limit tumbles to 80%, contrasted with the 2000 patterns of the P2001. The quantity of attachments presented by the Explorer 2000 is additionally less while it costs an additional a $200.
Bluetti AC200P is additionally a decent power station evaluated in much the same way to the P2001. It experiences a tangled UI which can slow the utilization of the station if there should be an occurrence of crisis. The square AC charger likewise doesn’t help as it is restricted to 400W and will completely charge the station in six hours, contrasted with two for the P2001.
The Zendure SuperBase Pro is one more 2000W power station that stood apart last year on account of numerous creative highlights, for example, having an implicit WiFi association. Once more, the SuperBase genius battery innovation has less charge cycles while the MSRP is $400 more than the P2001.
Last decision
The Oukitel P2001 has numerous characteristics that can cause it to turn into a success. The cost and battery science can transform into a wise venture for the purchaser. It can immediately begin to address off its $1900 cost tag whenever utilized as an office UPS. The straightforward UI is likewise something that many individuals will like while the liberal measure of DC attachments will likewise fulfill some necessities. At long last, the form quality is likewise something that sticks out. Covered by a one year guarantee, the P2001 will certainly track down a spot in many houses this year.