If you activate this feature, you may easily share images from your iPhone.

If you’ve ever tried to transfer photos from your phone to a computer so you could share or edit them, you’ve probably run into an issue with iPhone photos. Apple stores your images in a high-efficiency format that can make either of these tasks difficult without your knowledge.
If you’re just storing your images on your phone or sharing them with other smartphones, the high-efficiency photo and video codecs that iPhones employ by default are ideal. However, it may be difficult to open or edit them on other devices, such as PCs, without the use of specialised apps.
Fortunately, the iPhone’s menus allow you to alter the camera to generate photographs and videos in a format that is much easier to use and can be easily shared with other current devices. Here’s how to snap JPEG images on your iPhone if that sounds appealing to you.
Take JPEG photographs on your iPhone
In order to use JPEGs on your iPhone, open your Settings app and follow these instructions.
Select the Camera sub-heading at the bottom of the Settings app.
From the Formats menu, choose the top option.

In this section, select the Most Compatible option for Camera Capture.

This is the end of the story. The Camera app now saves photos as JPEGs and films as H.264 MPEGs when you capture a picture or video with it.
However, because of their bigger size and greater compatibility, these file formats require more storage space on your iPhone. Even if you don’t have a lot of room in your camera, you may want to invest in some of the finest cloud storage so that you can automatically back up your photos or go back to High Efficiency shooting mode.