Samsung has confirmed, Some Galaxy source code was seized in the hack


It’s been verified by Samsung that the corporation was breached last week, resulting in the theft of proprietary data and source code for Samsung’s Galaxy smartphone software. For both consumers and workers, no personal information was compromised, and precautions have been taken to avoid future intrusions.

However, LAPSUS$, the same hacker gang that recently stole confidential material from Nvidia, has not been identified by Samsung.

Friday, a 190GB torrent was posted to the group’s Telegram channel, which is said to contain source code for the bootloader and biometric authentication systems on Galaxy phones.


“There was a security compromise involving certain confidential corporate information. Galaxy devices’ source code seems to have been compromised, however no customer or staff data was accessed in the first investigation. At this time, we don’t expect any changes to have an effect on our company or our clients. We’ve put in place safeguards to prevent this from happening again, and we’ll keep serving our clients as usual,” a Samsung official said to Bloomberg.

In a statement reported by Bloomberg News and SamMobile, Samsung stated that “a security breach involving certain internal company data” had occurred. As of now, we don’t believe that any personal information of our customers or employees has been compromised,” Samsung said in a statement. At this time, we don’t expect any changes to have an effect on our company or our clients. We’ve put in place safeguards to prevent this from happening again, and we’ll keep providing excellent service to our clients as usual.

At Nvidia, hackers Lapsus$ threatened the company with data leaks unless it removed cryptocurrency mining limits from specific GPUs and made the drivers for these video cards open source. The company refused to comply with their demands. Whether Lapsus$ has threatened Samsung in an attempt to extract specific concessions is unclear. acc to gsmarena


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