The Snapdragon 680-based Samsung Galaxy A23, a 4G phone, was introduced in March. The first hints of a 5G variant started to emerge a few months later, and now the phone has been discovered on Geekbench. The SM-A236U phone appears to be a US model. At least according to the first May story, there should also be a European version.
The Snapdragon 695, an improved version of the SD 690 processor with mmWave 5G capability, 15% better CPU performance, and 30% faster GPU, powers the Galaxy A23 5G. (thanks to upgraded Kryo 660 cores and Adreno 619). If included in the real device, the mmWave connection will probably only be available in the US.
According to the Geekbench scores, the phone has 4GB of RAM and ran Android 12 (with One UI 4 on top). Given that the 6GB and 8GB RAM variants of its 4G sister are already available, the 5G model ought to provide additional combinations.
Although the Galaxy A23 5G has been shown in 3D, there are no glaring deviations. It will sport a 6.55″ display, albeit the type of panel is unknown based on measurements.
The 4G phone features an 8MP selfie camera in addition to a quad camera on the back (50MP main, 5MP ultra wide, 2MP macro, and 2MP depth) and a 6.6″ 90Hz LCD (FHD+) display. Fast charging at 25W is supported by the 5,000mAh battery.
Minor or all of these specifications will carry over to the 5G version, maybe with some enhancements (for instance, we’ve heard that the ultra wide camera will feature an 8MP sensor).