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There is now a new version of Safari Technology Preview available.
Today, Apple published a new version of Safari for testing. Apple’s built-in browser for the Mac has been updated to include the usual round of speed and bug fixes for those who want to keep up with the newest features and enhancements.
To test out Safari Technology Preview, you’ll need a Mac with either macOS Big Sur or macOS Monterey presently installed. Those who want to test out the latest and greatest features of Apple’s browser before the public version is released can do so in the preview version, which is available to developers and the general public.
It’s now possible for users of Mac OS Monterey and Mac OS Big Sur to get the latest update for the preview version. For example, the Safari Technology Preview 143 release notes state that Apple has published a number of upgrades for:
As Apple has pointed out, the Mac OS Monterey Tab Groups feature that was added to Safari last year does not work in the current Safari Technology Preview.
To see if it works for you, you may download the Safari Technology Preview. Safari Technology Preview 139’s release notes are available on the Apple Developer website.