Those who eat Jif may want to check their cupboards. There has been an outbreak of salmonella that has sickened at least 14 people in at least 12 states, according to NPR. Peanut butters of all kinds, including creamy, crunchy, and low-fat varieties, are affected by the recall.
Lot numbers 1274425 through 2140425 have been identified as being impacted. The codes are usually found on the back of peanut butter jars, under the “best used by” label. However, the FDA’s website includes a complete list of all Jif goods with those codes that are subject to the recall.
The FDA has initiated an inquiry into a plant in Lexington, Kentucky, where the problem has been traced, according to the agency. For example, the jars marked “425” in the preceding codes were manufactured in Lexington. To date, the voluntary recall has been conducted across the United States (as well as Canada), with cases being reported by the Associated Press (AP) from Arkansas to Georgia to Illinois to Michigan to Ohio to North Carolina to New York to South Carolina to Texas to Virginia and Washington. Two of the patients had to be admitted to the hospital.