Get Total War: Discover how to play Warhammer at no cost this weekend


On Epic Games, you can download Total War: Warhammer for free.

image credits: Epic games

If you’re searching for a new game to play this weekend, I’d suggest Total War: Warhammer, which is now available for free on the Epic Games Store.

Even though Total War: Warhammer has been around for over six years, it’s still an engaging grand strategy game. Warhammer combines the rich and intricate fantasy world of Games Workshop’s Warhammer and puts the Creative Assembly’s blend of turn-based tactics on a big campaign map with real-time strategic warfare to it.


And my, what a mash-up. If you’re a human leader, you can take over the Old World, or you can lead a horde of Greenskins to rip it to pieces.

The Vampire Counts may be the group for you if you’re a fan of vampires and the terrifying undead. The many methods in which the factions interact provide for some fantastic multiplayer encounters, even if you don’t like the long narrative mode.

Alternatively, if you’re more in one with nature, you may try out the Wood Elves. Is that what you’re referring to? The Dwarves are your best bet.


Those are only a handful of the groups that may be found in the game’s downloadable content, which includes both free and commercial content.

Any faction you choose to join is sure to provide a unique and memorable experience. Total War: Warhammer, in contrast to previous historical Total War games, has a far more asymmetrical faction structure.

In addition to the classic ‘rock, paper, scissors’ gameplay mechanics of range units slicing down foot troops, archers being driven over by cavalry, and cavalry being poked to death by spearmen,’ there are also monsters, great heroes, and unusual units and faction attributes to contend with.


And if you acquire the Total War: Warhammer bug, there are two sequels, the most recent of which we tested and loved quite a bit.

Make sure you download Total War: Warhammer from Epic Games. After that, check out or choose the top PC games currently available.


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