This Amazon trick can buy you an additional year of Prime for $119.

Amazon Prime’s price is likely to rise. During Thursday’s earnings call to discuss Amazon’s quarterly performance, the e-commerce giant revealed that the price of its Prime membership will be raised from $119 to $139 per year. Monthly memberships will also be raised from $12.99 to $14.99. Also The trailer for Moon Knight, as well as the release date and everything else we know thus far
Amazon’s price increases will take effect for new members on February 18, 2022. Existing members will be charged the increased rate beginning March 25, 2022. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who have a Prime subscription, there’s a little Amazon trick you can do right now to avoid paying the price rise.
You may now purchase a Prime subscription for $119 and gift it to yourself when your existing membership expires. When the given Prime membership expires, you’ll need to manually add it to your account, but it’s a simple method to lock in the $119/year premium for another year. Before February 18, new members can join up for a free 30-day Prime trial and lock in the $119/year cost.

Log in to your account, then select “Account” from the drop-down menu, then “Prime” to access your perks and payment preferences. Request that Amazon email you a reminder three days before your membership expires. You can “terminate your membership” on the day your subscription expires and then manually add the given Prime membership to your account.
According to Amazon, the business is hiking its prices owing to “continuing development of Prime member benefits as well as labour and transportation cost increases.” However, with this simple trick, you can get an additional year of Prime for $119.
Alternatively, to save money on all of your Amazon purchases, make sure to check out our Amazon buying tips and Amazon bargains guide.