Learn How to Download Speaker Notes in Google Slides


Hello, Guys welcome back to learn How to Download Speaker Notes in Google Slides. You can quickly convert your Google Slides presentation into animated GIFs and video slideshows with Creator Studio. The add-on can also extract speaker notes from your slides and save them to Google Drive as a text file.

To begin, open your deck in Google Slides, go to the Addons menu, and then choose Creator Studio. Then, select the Speaker Notes menu to display only the speaker notes for all slides in a popup window that you can download and print.

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How are Speaker Notes Generated

Internally, the programme employs Google Apps Script to export Speaker Notes from your Google presentation and save them to a text file in Google Drive.

const downloadSpeakerNotes = () => {
  // Get the current Google Slide
  const presentation = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation();

  // Find all the slides in the current presentation
  const slides = presentation.getSlides();

  // Iterate through each slide and extract the notes
  const notes = slides
    .map((slide, index) => {
      const note = slide
      return { index, note };
    // Filter slides that have no speaker notes
    .filter(({ note }) => note)
    .map(({ note, index }) => {
      return [`Slide #${index + 1}`, '---', note].join('\n');

  // Create a file in Google Drive for storing notes
  const file = DriveApp.createFile('Speaker Notes', notes);

  // Print the file download URL in the Logger window

Export Speaker Notes PDF in Google Slides

Google Slides includes an option to export your slides as a PDF file, which can be set to include the speaker notes.

Open your presentation in Google Slides, then go to the File menu and select Print Settings and Preview. To export your speaker notes as PDF, select “1 slide with note” and click the “Download PDF” button.


It simply works, but the only drawback is that it outputs a huge PDF that isn’t ideal for printing. Also, in the PDF, the slides are always included with the speaker notes; there is presently no option to save merely the speaker notes.

Speaker Notes as PDF

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