Hello, Guys welcome back learn How to turn off automatic updates in Windows 10 or Windows 11 Why would you want to know how to disable Windows 10 automatic updates? Surely, these updates are required to maintain your system secure and stable, as well as to include the most recent Windows features and improvements?

True, however automatic updates can be a problem rather than an aid. They can interrupt your work and force you to restart in order for them to be installed.
Updates may potentially contain flaws that cause problems on your computer rather than resolving them. When consumers identify major problems with Microsoft’s Windows feature updates, the company is frequently pushed to speed out patches. However, when automatic updates are enabled, you have little control over whether or not to apply those patches.
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Fortunately, you can disable automatic updates in Windows 10, either by stopping them for up to 35 days or, if you’re feeling more daring, by disabling them entirely so you may install them manually when you’re ready.
We’ll walk you through both choices in our guide below, as well as show you how to utilise a free programme to turn off automatic updates with the touch of a button.
How to turn off automatic updates: Pause updates
Because permanently blocking automatic updates in Windows 10 may cause security and stability issues, you may opt to “pause” them and install them at a later time.
Here’s how to go about it. Make sure you’re logged in as a user with administrator access for all of these steps.
1. In Windows 10, open the Settings app by clicking the Start button and then selecting the gear symbol. Click Update & security when the Settings box appears.

2. Select Windows Update in the left-hand menu. To turn off automatic updates for one week, click the Pause updates for 7 days option.

3. Windows 10 will tell you the date that updates will start again. To turn them back on manually before then, click Resume updates.

4. If you believe that seven days is insufficient time to suspend automatic updates, select Advanced settings instead.
Scroll down to the Pause updates section and choose a date from the Pause till drop-down menu. This date might be any time up to 35 days in the future.
When you reach that date, you must apply the most recent Windows updates before you can halt them again.

How to turn off automatic updates: Disable updates for good
If you’re willing to leave your PC vulnerable for an extended length of time, you may disable automatic updates in Windows 10 forever, or at least until you’re ready to install them manually. Here’s how to go about it.
1.To launch the Run box, press the Windows key and R at the same time. Enter or click OK after typing “services.msc.”

2. When the Services window opens, scroll down to the Windows Update entry. Right-click this and choose Properties.

3. Select Disabled from the Startup type drop-down menu, then click Stop in the Service status section below. Click OK or Apply to disable automatic Windows updates.

4. If permanently blocking updates appears to be too drastic, choose Manual from the Startup type menu instead.
This will allow you to manually check for and install updates. Simply navigate to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update and select Check for updates.

How to turn off automatic updates: Use Windows Update Blocker
Installing a free tool called Windows Update Blocker can save you from having to change Windows settings every time you wish to turn automatic updates on or off. Here’s how to put it to use.
1. Download Windows Update Blocker.
2. Right-click the downloaded file and scan the file with your antivirus software.
3. Extract and run the program. It doesn’t require installation.
4. When the program opens, simply click Disable Updates and choose Apply Now.
This immediately disables automatic updates in Windows 10, and the Service Status shield changes from a green tick to a red cross.

5. To turn automatic updates back on, just select Enable Updates and click “Apply Now.”
To ensure that Windows Update Blocker is working properly, access the Windows Update settings page by clicking Menu and then Update Options. You may check here to see if automatic Windows updates are active or disabled.