It’s said that the Vivo T1 Pro 5G will be released very soon, and it’s currently available in India. The vivo T1 Pro 5G has recently emerged on Geekbench, which lends credence to reports that the launch is set for May. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 778G processor powers the vivo V2151 smartphone, which is expected to be available with an 8GB RAM option.
There was a 5G version of the Vivo T1 revealed in February 2022, and it’s currently being renamed as the Vivo T1 Pro 5G. To our knowledge, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G chipset will be used in the Vivo T1 Pro 5G. The release date of the forthcoming mid-range smartphone has also been announced by sources.
Vivo is expected to announce the introduction of the Vivo T1 Pro 5G in India in the near future. Look at the Vivo T1 Pro 5G, its projected characteristics and release date and everything else we know about it.
If we witness another example of the same phone offered under two names, it’s likely because the chipset in the new T phone is the same as the one in the forthcoming vivo iQOO Z6 Pro 5G. This isn’t surprising, considering the non-Pro versions of the vivo T1 5G and the Z6 are practically identical, with just the user interface separating them.