Apple Watch saved woman’s life, helped to discover lung cancer


When its user fell hard, an Apple Watch contacted emergency personnel. Doctors realised she had lung cancer shortly after she arrived at the hospital. Her disease may not have been diagnosed in time if it weren’t for the Apple Watch, according to the lady.

Woman says her Apple Watch saved her life, helped discover lung cancer
image credits: appleinsider

Raylene Hackenwerth doesn’t remember what occurred when she collapsed, but the Apple Watch she was wearing phoned 911 and sent an alert to her son, according to ABC Action News. Things took a change when emergency personnel arrived and concluded that Hackworth needed to be sent to the hospital.

Even though the Apple Device could not identify the disease, the lady believes the watch was crucial in saving her life. She is now having therapy.


What if Raylene hadn’t fallen, or if the Apple Watch hadn’t alerted her? “I wouldn’t even know this existed if it hadn’t been for the accident and the Apple Watch phoning them,” Raylene said.

Apple Watch Series 7 or SE may have been a Christmas gift, but the report does not specify which model was being worn at the time of the incident.

All of this was made possible by an Apple Watch function that has already benefited countless people — the fall detection and dialling 911. Ensure your safety by reading our advice on how to turn on fall detection on your Apple Watch. Apple Watch can’t help if it’s not set up properly, even if it has the greatest features.


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