Top 10 Home Exercises for Women to Lose Arm Fat

For some people, arm fat can cause anxiety and a lack of self-confidence. Include dumbbell workouts in your fitness routine if your tough fat arms start to annoy you! Dumbbells are important to utilise since they assist tone muscles, burn fat in different regions, and increase stamina. All you have to do now is pick the appropriate weight and get started.

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The triceps and biceps make up the upper arm. Women are more likely than males to develop fat in this area. One of the most difficult things to achieve is decreasing weight and toning arms. Everyone desires a quick fix or a spot reduction for their flabby arms.

Home Exercises for Women to Lose Arm Fat

The simplest way to lose weight on your arms is, to begin with, cardio to burn fat and then add resistance to your exercise in the form of weights to achieve the desired results. Here are some arm-toning exercises to get you started.

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1. Dumbbell shoulder press

Shoulders, deltoids, and anterior muscles are all worked out with the dumbbell shoulder press. On a standard bench, military press bench, or utility bench with back support, this exercise can be done standing or sitting.

Standing on the floor with a dumbbell in each hand is the starting posture.

What you should do is:

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  • Raise your dumbbells above your shoulders. Inhale.
  • Make sure your hands are facing front by rotating your wrists.
  • Exhale as you raise your dumbbells.
  • Slowly drop the dumbbells to shoulder height while inhaling after a brief pause.
  • Rep 30 times more.

2. Dips (with straight legs)

Triceps, shoulders, and upper back muscles are all involved.

Count: Every time you return to the starting location, count one.


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  • With arms extended and shoulders directly over wrists, place your hands on top of the surface.
  • Maintain a straight line in front of you with your heels on the ground (or do the modification shown above)
  • Lower your hips to the floor by bending your elbows.
  • Return to the starting posture by straightening your arms and pressing your body up.


  • Maintain a long neck and shoulders that are back and down away from your ears.
  • Maintain focus on your core.
  • Always keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Maintain a tight proximity to the chair.

3. Bench dips

Dips are a wonderful way to strengthen the back of the arms and triceps. Chair dips are performed by keeping your arms on the chair and your torso in front of the chair. Lower your back to the ground and then raise it back up. In one set, repeat 8-9 times. This tones the triceps, making them appear toned, tight, and not droopy.

4. Tricep extensions (wall)

Triceps, shoulders, and core muscles are all engaged.

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Count: Every time you return to the starting location, count one.


  1. With your back to the wall and your arms straight, place your hands at chin level, shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower your elbows until your entire forearms are in contact with the wall.
  3. Keep your fingers pointed up and your elbows pointing down as you lean against the wall.
  4. To straighten your arms and return to the starting position, press into your palms.


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  1. Maintain a long neck and shoulders that are back and down away from your ears.
  2. Maintain focus on your core.
  3. Maintain a straight line from your head to your heels by keeping your hips aligned.

Here are some bicep exercises to help you balance and polish the overall structure of your arm.

5. Triceps Kickback

This exercise works to tone the backs of the arms. Take a weight and rest your left knee on a bench to execute triceps kickbacks. Keep the dumbell in your right hand and raise it to the ceiling while maintaining a straight back.

6. Towel curls

Biceps, chest, and shoulders are the muscles involved.

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Count: Every time you return to the starting location, count one.


  1. Sit up straight, loop a towel over one foot’s midsection, and grip the towel ends in each hand.
  2. Maintain a strong grip on your arms, apply resistance with your leg and bend arm, and keep your hands near to your shoulders.
  3. Lower back to the starting position while contracting your biceps.


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  1. Maintain a long neck and shoulders that are back and down away from your ears.
  2. Throughout the action, keep your arms tight to your sides from shoulder to elbow.
  3. Along with toning up your arms, the following exercise can assist you improve your posture.

7. Overhead triceps extension

The overhead triceps extension is a great way to strengthen your triceps. This exercise can also be done with an elastic rope instead of a dumbbell.

Starting position: Sit on a bench (with or without back support) and hold one dumbbell in each hand. Raise the dumbbell by fully extending your arms.

What you should do is:

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  1. Lower the dumbbell behind your head while bending at the elbows.
  2. Keep your elbows still and take a one-second pause.
  3. Return to the starting position by extending your arms.
  4. Rep 20 times more.

8. Plank (inverted)

Shoulders, abs, triceps, hamstrings, and glutes are among the muscles engaged.

Complete the count for the amount of time specified.


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  1. Sit on a mat with your legs stretched out and your heels flat on the ground.
  2. Put your hands just under your shoulders.
  3. Raise your hips off the floor by leaning back on your hands.
  4. Make a straight line from your head to your heels by tensing every muscle in your body.
  5. Hold the location for the amount of time specified.


  • Maintain a long neck and shoulders that are back and down away from your ears.
  • Don’t let your shoulders sink in.
  • Maintain a straight line with your body by keeping your core engaged, hips up, and hips up.
  • Slowly and steadily inhale and exhale; do not hold your breath.

9. Moving Plank

Moving plank is a great way to work your upper arms and core at the same time. To execute a moving plank, get into the plank position and move your arms forward one by one with your body. This will also provide the body with more strength.

10. Standing tricep kickbacks

Triceps, abs, lower back, and hamstrings are among the muscles involved.

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Count: Every time you return to the starting location, count one.


  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and dumbells in your hands.
  2. Hinge at the hips till your chest is nearly parallel to the floor and your legs are slightly bent.
  3. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and keep your arms close to your sides.
  4. Straighten arms, squeeze tricep muscles, and pause for a second to extend weights back.
  5. Return to the starting position by gradually lowering the weight.


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  1. Maintain a straight back and a neck in line with your spine.
  2. Maintain a relaxed posture with your shoulders back and down, away from your ears.
  3. Always go through the whole range of movements.
  4. Lift slowly and steadily; 2 seconds up, 1 second hold, 2 seconds down

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