In February, Nokia unveiled the G11, and today it released the Plus variant. The 6.51″ HD+ 90Hz screen of the Nokia G11 Plus has a notch for the 8MP front camera. A rectangular island with a 2MP auxiliary camera and LED flash connects to the 50MP main camera on the back.
There is a fingerprint scanner for biometric authentication on the textured back panel.
The G11 Plus’s processor isn’t listed on Nokia’s official website, but the company claims it has 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage that can be expanded to 512GB with a microSD card.
Two years of Android OS upgrades and three years of monthly security updates are promised with the purchase of the G11 Plus. Nokia doesn’t disclose the Android version that comes pre-installed on the G11 Plus, although it should be Android 12.
Nokia does not reveal the battery capacity when claiming that the G11 Plus has a 3-day battery life. However, given that the standard G11 has a 5,050 mAh battery, it seems likely that the Plus model has a cell that is at least as large.
The Nokia G11 Plus comes in two color options—Lake Blue and Charcoal Grey—and offers a 3.5mm headphone jack and a USB-C connector.
The Nokia G11 Plus’s cost and availability are unknown.