Latest: Are You Eligible For A Monkeypox Vaccine In Santa Clara County?


According to public health professionals at a town hall in Santa Clara County, monkeypox can be contracted through a person’s social network.

Pharmacist Michelle Huynh prepares to give a monkeypox vaccine shot to Eric Tooley. (Photo courtesy | Aric Crabb (Bay Area News Group))

Public health professionals in Santa Clara County told a town hall that a person’s social circle is a crucial element in the spread of monkeypox.

Unlike COVID-19, which is spread through direct contact with the air, they explained to the LGBTQ+ community present on Thursday that monkeypox is spread through close personal contact with members of one’s social network.


Gay, trans, and bisexual men are being targeted by public health officials because they are more likely to contract the virus.

As of Thursday, Dr. George Han, the county’s deputy health officer, has confirmed 31 cases in the county. By invitation or appointment only, the county is offering immunizations to anyone who match the county’s qualifying criteria. In order to qualify, residents must have had direct contact with an infected person, or be a part of the LGBTQ+ community who engages in sexual activity regularly. Here is a complete list of county criteria.

Many aspects of the monkeypox virus remain unknown, according to Dr. Sarah Rudman, an assistant health officer for the county. It is important to recognize symptoms because they can be misleading and frequently misinterpreted. However,


As a result, “the infections can be missed early on because it can appear to be something else,” she noted.

She also stated that the county is working to resupply a single antiviral medicine for people who have already been affected.

A number of attendees voiced their displeasure at the lengthy turnaround time for test results and inquired as to what the county was doing to speed things along. According to Han, a slew of new commercial labs have gone online, speeding up the process.


If residents are vaccinated within four days of exposure, but no later than 14 days, they are more likely to avoid infection, according to both experts.

There is still a chance that Han would get infected, but the symptoms would be mild.

On Sunday, Han said, the county plans to hold a vaccination clinic. Additional clinics will be held in upcoming weeks as further shipments of the vaccine are expected. Lot sizes will remain consistent with current shipment levels.


It’s hoped that the number of persons immunized on Sunday will reach the 196 that were immunized on Wednesday.

The monkeypox virus causes monkeypox, a rare disease. According to Rudman, the disease can spread by direct skin contact as well as extended face to face contact. Flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, and a rash that contains pimples filled with fluid are common in persons who have been infected with the virus. While it may take a few weeks to fully recover, most people don’t require hospitalization for this procedure.

Inoculation is hampered mostly by a scarcity of vaccinations. The only place to get the Jynneos vaccine, which protects against monkeypox, is from the federal government, and county officials say that supply is still restricted. An subsequent shipment this week provided only 886 extra medicines to the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, which had already gotten 742 doses for the whole county. With the help of significant health care organizations, the county is distributing immunizations to those most at risk.


Partners like AACI, Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Community Center and Project More have been essential in getting the word out and connecting priority populations to accurate information on prevention, testing and treatment.

The county is scheduling vaccines only for people who are eligible. To learn more, click here.


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